Operating Media

Harsh Pareek 0 Comments

Evaluate the value of online advertising with AdWords

The evolution of digital technology is connecting people, facilitating better communication and it has been creating new opportunities for the brands to reach their target audience in a better way. New tools and processes are making the marketing function easy (and at the same time complex). Easy in terms of reach and complex in terms of the amount of information to understand and put efforts in a systematic way to achieve the objectives.

The adaptation of the digital tools and processes by the brands has been increasing and it will further increase. This has created a huge need for the people who can understand the digital eco-system and help brands leverage the advantages and produce desired results. As the progression is still under development, hiring someone who is capable to perform various activities of the digital world is more and more difficult.

Unfortunately there are not many entities which are producing the qualified digital professionals which are required by all these brands (small, medium and big). According to a study in theUS, carried by Online Marketing Institute in partnership with Clickz and Kelly Services portrays that there is a considerable digital talent rift between the employer’s value and the available talent. There is a vast demand for talent at entry, mid-tier and executive level.

Google Adwords is an online advertising platform, where you can display your advertisements on Search Network and Display Network. Learning Google Adwords and becoming a certified Google Adwords Professional will give you options to work with great companies.

Google has employed professional public supporting society of individuals who are extremely experienced Adwords users.
Google Adwords training course is quite simple. You can learn all about Preparing the Adwords campaign sheets, setting up a search campaign with conversion tracking, setting up a display campaign with conversion tracking, identifying and preparing at least 10 optimization suggestions and setting up a re-marketing campaign.

Certificate Course in Google Adwords (CCGA) is a comprehensive and one month Google AdWords training course, which will make you a certified Google AdWords Professional. This course has been framed by industry experts, who are successful in running different fomats of campaigns with Google Adwords for more than10 years. In the Google AdWords training course, you will learn the basic to advanced level of online advertising.

Google AdWords is an online advertising program from Google that lets you grow your business by reaching new customers. You can choose to display your ad by the keywords or on specific websites based on your targeting requirements. You can define your own budgets, when to show you ads and how much you want to pay for each click.

In one month, you will learn how to create Google AdWords campaigns, increase CTR, increase sales and build your business online. Right from keyword research to drafting convincing ad texts, this course will teach you every fundamental of Google AdWords both theoretically and practically .

After completing Google AdWords training course, you will be advised to take the Google Certification. Even we will also provide you Digital Ready’s certification.

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